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Discover what we can all do to reduce our impact on the world. Follow my top-tips and simple guides all written to help you make a positive difference to the world. 

Because together we can.



Updated: Jan 25, 2019

Winter is the most perfect time to think about how we can stay warm and cosy without costing us a fortune or hurting the planet and as we look to turn our thermostats on...

We can start to make a huge difference to not just our pockets but to the environment, by simply turning down our thermostats by just one degree, so why not do #onesimplething...

The truth is our homes and buildings not only demand a huge amount of energy, they are responsible for producing 28% of the world's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. So, by improving the energy efficiency and energy performance of our homes, we can, all play a significant part in the bigger picture and ensure we meet the Sustainable Development Goals, and keep global temperatures to below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrialised levels in line with the aims of the COP21 agreement. And that, is great news for mankind.

FACT By 2050, energy demand from our buildings is set to rise by 50%!

DRAW - Simply drawing our curtains in the evening can help to retain 10% more heat and save your wallet pounds...

FILL - If you have floorboards, make sure you fill the gaps, not only will you stay warmer, it will keep your thermostat down.

SWITCH OFF - Just remembering to turn off the lights when we leave a room will not just make a significant difference to our burgeoning energy bills, it will make a monumental difference to the amount of emissions that come from our homes...

GET ACTIVE - Sad but true sitting down all day is not good for you, so do something positive and get moving.

INSULATE - About a quarter of all the heat we lose from our homes comes from our roofs when they are not properly insulated, this simple act, really can help you lower your energy bills and help you reduce your impact on the world.

DRAUGHT PROOF - May sound old hat, but simply placing a draught excluder by your external doors can help you retain valuable heat meant for your home...

TOP-TIP - Placing lamps in the corners of your rooms will actually help reflect more light.

PUT A LID ON IT - Just by covering your pots and pans whilst cooking will see your energy bills go down...

SWITCH - If you are one of the many millions of householders who have not looked at switching energy supplier, check it out - as this is one way we call all look to reduce our monthly outgoings. If you have switched and seen your bills fall, tell me and I will spread the good news.

REMEMBER - Always ensure that your leftovers are cold before you put them in the fridge!

DUST - Keeping your fridges and freezers free of dust will help improve their performance and that is good news for our pockets...

REPLACE - If your boiler is more than 10 years old then it really is time to replace it with a more energy efficient model - If you are in the UK, look out for SEDBUK A rated appliances as these will help improve the energy performance of your home by up to 30% and save you a considerable amount of money off your bills.

GO GREEN - If you are a homeowner, then it may be time to see if your home could benefit from renewable energy, that can lead to greater savings and even the opportunity to earn extra income as a result of the energy you generate.

DID YOU KNOW - Fitting aluminium foil behind radiators especially those on external walls, will help them deliver more heat into your room...

SWITCH - Yes, you can now get LED spotlights that are gorgeously bright, last longer and are much better for the environment and are good for our wallets too.

FILL - By only filling our kettles with what we need is another way we can help reduce the amount of energy we use and waste in our homes.

WASH - Only put the dishwasher and washing machine on when you have a full load not only will it save you cash, it is much better for the environment.

These simple changes if done, 'en-masse', will not just help us improve the energy performance of our homes, they will help us reduce our impact on the world so we achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and solve the world's biggest environmental, economic and social problems so we transform our world and secure a more just, more resilient and sustainable future where all life has equal value.

The global goals bring a joined-up approach to problem solving, and they are not just for some of us, they all for all of us, and we all have a role to play and reducing the amount of energy we use and waste in our day-to-day is just one way we can work towards meeting Goal number 13 Climate Action. And, that is great news for mankind. If you would like to know more about climate action and what we can do to help, make sure you sign up to receive all the news.

If you have a favourite energy saving fact or tip then why not get in touch - Thank you

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Lao Tsu

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