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Discover what we can all do to reduce our impact on the world. Follow my top-tips and simple guides all written to help you make a positive difference to the world. 

Because together we can.

A Time For Change


All over the world people are wanting 'change' and are looking to find solutions that can help solve many of the world's social, economic and environmental problems.

The global goals are an opportunity to transform our world
The Sustainable Development Goals

In September 2015 following three years of talks, world leaders gathered at the United Nations in New York to agree on and adopt the 2030 agenda for sustainable development, a set of 17 goals and 169 targets that look to resolve these global problems and transform our world.

The United Nations sustainable development goals are not just a series of goals and targets, they are a blueprint designed to help us secure a sustainable future and, they are not just for some of us, they are for all of us and like us, the goals and targets they represent are all interconnected.

Together these goals present us with an opportunity to resolve the world’s biggest challenges that will see us working to find solutions to end poverty, improve world health, secure peace, foster a renewed sense of responsibility and care, combat climate change, restore our lands, oceans and forests and reduce inequalities so that we secure lasting change where all life has equal value...

The goals or SDGs require a new way of thinking and need governments, and politicians, to put aside their individual agendas and egos so that they work together for the collective good.

Corporations, the wheels of industry and the media and marketing moguls will also have a role to play as we look to bring the goals to life.

For the multi-national corporation, who has, for too long sought to deliver goods and services without considering the impact that there actions would have upon the world, will need to, not just, implement better working practices, they will need to put integrity and transparency into everything they do and take responsibility for their actions no matter where they operate in the world so that they protect the rights and lives of everyone involved in their supply chains.

In other words, the global goals need companies to not just ‘be good’ but ‘do good’ and this will see them integrate social purpose into not just their corporate strategy but into everything they do, so that they don't just satisfy the needs of the shareholder, they safeguard our world.

Look out for part II as we look at how we can get involved and look to make a difference to the world ...

Buy less, choose well, make it last.
Vivienne Westwood Quote

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A journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step.

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