So, we have turned down the thermostats - which is great news for the planet - we have begun to say no to standby. Now we can begin to look at other ways we can improve our lives and help make a difference to the world.
No sandals required, just a positive approach to many of the things we have begun to take for granted, like our shopping, cleaning and even our eating habits.
Forget The Plastic – Let’s face it, we all know that plastic is bad for the planet, and reducing the amount of plastic we buy and use in our day-to-day lives is one sure thing we can all do to make a big difference. Look out for the upcoming blog on plastic.
FACT: 93% Of Americans aged 6 and over are testing positive to the plastic chemical BPA and that is no good for anyone. Source
TOP-TIP: #Water is life and if you want to stay #hydrated and feel your best then why not invest in a water filter jug and fall in love with tap water! Not only will you help reduce the amount of #plastic you use in your day-to-day life which is good news for the planet, it will also save you oodles of cash - Just imagine the good x
Tell - If you have saved money by simply switching off and turning down why not tell someone. Reducing the carbon emissions that come from our homes is just one way we can all make a significant difference to greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), and help ensure that we can keep global temperatures below the 2C above the pre-industrialised levels... Look out for the blog on climate change and the world's weather.
FACT: By simply turning our thermostats down by just 1 degree we could save an almighty 340 kg of carbon! That's about 75 pounds more for you to keep in your pocket.
Share - Why not share your many power tools, that lie under a pile of dust, and the toys that your children have long since outgrown - why not make it your mission to share. Let's face it, sharing is not just great news for the planet, it makes us feel great too.
Remember If you don't need it - Don't buy it.
Check Your Labels? Almost half of all the products that line our supermarket shelves contain palm oil - unfortunately this cheap vegetable oil has helped destroy over 90 percent of lowland forest on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra home of the Orangutan or 'man of the forest'. If you want to know more about Palm Oil and deforestation and what we can do, then sign up for your weekly fix.
We can make a start by learning to check our labels and look for products that carry the RSPO logo although currently, only 18% of all palm oil produced comes from sustainable sources...
Make A Difference - why not ring the changes and buy presents that make a world of difference to the lives of others, for some really great gift ideas sign up for TheOneSimpleThing weekly fix..
REMEMBER- Don't just bin it! Reuse, recycle, refurbish, repurpose, donate or pay it forward...
Organise - Update your wardrobe, organise a clothes swap. What a great way to get together with your friends.
Did You Know? Clothing has the fourth largest environmental impact after housing, transport and food. And our passion for fast fashion is not sustainable. Look out for the blog.
Walk - Yes, walking is not only great news for the planet it is great news for the body - so hang up your keys and get active. Download one of the many walking apps or buy a pedometer and see if you can step up and do 10,000 steps every day...
Say NO! To cod & chips - they may be the nations favourite but overfishing has left many of our our fish stocks seriously depleted. The marine conservation society (MCS) are urging people to consider other fish including; dab, hake, pollock and sole.
TOP TIP - We can all play a major role in helping to secure the future of our seas and marine wildlife by taking the time to make more responsible choices when buying seafood.
Tell Your Boss - It may sound crazy, but if you have saved money by switching off lights and turning down thermostats, imagine how much more could be saved if office blocks across the globe signed up to do the same…
Make a difference - adopt an endangered animal. According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) if we are not careful, we risk losing two-thirds of all the animals species on the planet by 2020! In the past 50 years, we have already witnessed, a 58% decline in the numbers of fish, mammals, birds and reptiles worldwide and, looking at current tends, these figure are not expected to improve.
Support - Why not support others by adding a little or a lot of Fairtrade products into your weekly shop. Make Fairtrade tea and coffee your drink of choice.
Did You Know? Fairtrade is good for the planet and helps secure the lives and livelihoods of some of the world's poorest communities. So lend your support and help raise them out of poverty by giving them a fairer price for their products and services.
Bored? Time On Your Hands... Why not give some of your time to support others. Sign up and get your weekly fix of stuff we can do to help our communities.
BUY - Switch to buying from companies you like. Let's make a pact and champion all those companies and individuals that are working for a brighter tomorrow.
Did You Know? That over 1.6 billion biros are dumped in the USA alone, imagine the good we could all do if we invested in a proper pen!
Coming Soon – The OneSimpleThing, uber cool and utterly green champions league… If you have a favourite brand that you want us to mention get in touch.
Remember - Buy local if you don't, then you are only adding to a growing problem. Support your community and help save the high street before it is too late.
Love - Yes learn to love your leftovers and use what's in the fridge. Look out for some of our favourite recipes and if you have one you want to share, get in touch.
FACT: Globally, we waste almost 40% of all the food we produce and that, is not acceptable especially when you consider that over 1 billion people go to be hungry.
Sweet - Only buy chocolate with a high cocoa content as this not only better for you it is far better for both the environment and the cocoa farmer!
Don't forget - drop us a line and tell us about the chocolates you love and we will help spread the word.
Remember When You Print - Use both sides and make sure that the paper you use carries the FSC logo or comes from a truly sustainable source. The world needs trees.
Did You Know: To produce just 1 tonne of paper requires 2-3 times its weight in timber!
FACT: Over half of all paper in use today is used for packaging.
Buy - Fruit and vegetables that are in season - reduce the carbon footprint created by air miles and enjoy each season as it was intended. For a full round up of what is hot and what's not then sign up for more.
Switch - Yes switch to organic cotton - not only is it better for the environment it is better for the workers who pick it.
Did You Know? Every year 20,000 people die as a direct result of picking and growing cotton and it is estimated that a further million cotton employees have serious long-term health problems.
If you love fashion and want to know more about who made your clothes sign up and get involved with the fabulous people behind Fashion Revolution.
Promise to take one less flight - discover the country where you live afterall it's closer than you think. For some great holiday ideas check out some of these awesome travel blogs. mirandasnotebook, wandermust, globalmouse1, nytoanywhere. If you have discovered a blog you love then let me know.
Remember: Children of all ages love to play on the beach no matter what the weather. If you have children look out for our Get Outside guide full of fun facts and things to do that are fun for all the family. Coming soon…
FACT: Air travel is set to become the number one contributor to climate change.
Look out for our next guide that looks at how we can create wildlife havens in our gardens and outdoor spaces.